Monday, March 3, 2025

League City Garden Club March Meeting

 We look forward to seeing you at our March 12 General Meeting:

 Wednesday, March 12, 2025

144 Park Ave in League City

 (located just off Main St, across the street from League Park and the white gazebo)

10:00 am to 12 noon

 Please remember to bring your own water (or beverage) bottle. This is in keeping with our garden pledge to protect the environment by having less disposable products at our meetings. Also, our horticulture table will be open to purchase plants, gardening tools, magazines, seeds, and containers.

 We'd like to remind all of our members that it's time to renew your annual membership. Dues are $30.00. You may write a check to League City Garden Club and bring it with you to our March meeting. Attached to this email message is a copy of our membership form that we'd like for all renewing members to fill out. This will ensure that we have your correct contact information for club notifications.

Thank you to our Hospitality team for this month's refreshments, led by Kathy Dunham.


Our guest speaker this month is Galveston County Master Gardener Monica Martens, EdD, and Galveston County Master Gardener.

The presentation topic is "Blackberries and Blueberries for Small Yards". Monica will discuss the common varieties of blackberries and blueberries that are best for our area. She will share her experience about how to purchase, plant, and care for these fruit-producing shrubs.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

LCGC February 2025 Meeting


Hello Garden Club members!

We look forward to seeing you at our February 12 general meeting:

 Wednesday, February 12, 2025

144 Park Ave in League City

 (located just off Main St, across the street from League Park and the white gazebo)

10:00 am to 12 noon

 Please remember to bring your own water (or beverage) bottle. This is in keeping with our garden pledge to protect the environment by having less disposable products at our meetings. Also, our horticulture table will be open to buy or swap plants and gardening tools, magazines, seeds, and containers.

 Thank you to our Hospitality team for this month's refreshments, led by Kathy Dunham.

 Our guest speaker this month is Galveston County Master Gardener Kevin Lancon.

The presentation topic is "Spring Vegetables". Kevin will provide an overview on how to make vegetable selections that will work in our gulf coast gardens. He will discuss common spring vegetables with tips for successful planting and growing.




Friday, January 10, 2025

League City Garden Club celebrates 75th anniversary

The League City Garden Club has been an important partner to the City of League City over the years. This week our garden club celebrated 75 years of dedication to the city. Garden club members have helped planting pollinator and wildflower gardens, community education and more.

Mayor Nick Long honored the Garden Club with a proclamation in celebration of 75 years of service in beautifying our city and improving our gardens and parks. Below are photos of the celebration.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

LCGC 75th Anniversary!


Happy New Year!

Our club's 75th Anniversary event is Wednesday, January 8, at 11:00 a.m.

Please RSVP to Vickie Hall if you have not yet done so.

Call or text: 225-806-3294


Set-up is Tuesday, January 7, at 5:00 p.m. at Johnnie Arolfo Civic Center. Some designated members will come to the center at 4:00 for preliminary set up, but if you'd like to help with other set up, please come at 5:00 p.m.

The sign-up sheet for food items for February 8  was attached to an email. If you've forgotten what you are bringing, contact Vickie.

We're all looking forward to seeing you at our grand celebration!