The League City Garden Club is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in League City, Texas, supporting education and beautification projects within our community. Organized September 28, 1949, federated 1949.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Roses the subject of the March meeting
The speaker for the March 11th meeting is John Jons. The meeting begins at 10am with refreshments, and visitors are welcome! Members are asked to bring any blooming roses or other plants to share with the group.
Presentation Title: “Why do rose grow by the side of the road? … and why do they not grow in my garden!” Presentation by John Jons, Galveston Master Gardener and American Rose Society Consulting Rosarian. John will introduce you to rose culture and highlight that if you follow the basics of rose culture, anyone can grow large, beautiful smelling and healthy roses, in your own garden. For meeting details, click here.